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who does god

say that I am?

Our Identity Matters is the companion website to the book
The Failure of Sex Education in the Church: 
Identity, Compromised Purity 

by Linda Bartlett 
available on Amazon.





Is contemporary sex education
(in or out of the church)
good for children?

Does it grow from the same seed
as instruction in purity?
Does it help children see themselves

and others as God sees them?

Do you wonder
why children are
sexualized and
why sexual intimacy
is so casual?

Do you wonder why
Christians dress provocatively,

or live together outside of marriage,

or defend same-sex "marriage?"

Have we
been deceived

our identity?

O LORD . . . our father; we are the clay,

and you are our potter;

we are all the work of your hand.


Biblical instruction is

unequally yoked with sex education.

Biblical instruction in purity is mismatched with sex education rooted in secular humanism like a donkey is mismatched to an ox. Yoked together to plow a field, the one animal will walk at a different pace than the other. Attempting to drive the two together will be erratic and potentially dangerous. Mixing the Word of the Lord together with false teaching may, in time, weaken or even destroy a believer's relationship with Jesus and others. 


Christianity and sex education as we know it today are unequally yoked because the founders of sex education did not see children as God sees them and had no respect for the complementary differences of male and female. Neither did they have a respect for natural, innate modesty nor parental authority. Those who developed sex education had little or no regard for the conception and birth of human life. In fact, great effort went into disconnecting the intimacy of sex from marriage and procreation. All of this compromises the teaching of purity.


Beginning in the 1960s, parents were told that making children more comfortable with "their sexuality" would help reduce teen pregnancy, abortion, and sexually-transmitted diseases. Sex education came into public and parochial schools as courses in family living, health, and human sexuality.


Today, there is an epidemic of sexually-transmitted diseases and depression among young people. Girls are sexualized. Boys are tantalized. Sexual experimentation at younger ages, living together, abortion, single parenthood, infertility, defense of sodomy, and transgender hormones and mutilating surgery chip away at the cornerstone of society which is faithful marriage and the raising of children by a father and mother.


We do not want to malign or speak ill of those teaching sex education or praising God's "gift of sexuality." But, on behalf of children, it is fair to ask: Is how and what Christians teach distinctively different from the world?


God calls His people to be holy. To be holy means to be set apart and different from the world.


He wants parents to instruct children in purity... and equips fathers and mothers for the task with all they need in His Word. God wants parents with the help of the Church to educate children in all knowledge -- not of sexuality -- but of salvation in Jesus Christ. Identity matters.


May we consider our identity in the light of our creation, baptism, and sanctification.


For the sake of generations, may we trust God's design for body and soul, male and female, children and family. Our Father tenderly calls us to see ourselves the way He sees us: not as sexual beings, but as His own dear sons and daughters in Jesus Christ. 

Identity matters.

God created

male and female

in His image.

Although we have

fallen from that

perfect image,

God still calls us

to be holy.


"You shall be holy,

for I am holy"

(1 Peter 1:16).

God's own child

I gladly say it:
I am baptized into Christ!

LSB 594:1


In our Baptism, Jesus Christ restored our identity as God's "heirs" of eternal life. We are strengthened to "abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against [our] soul
(1 Peter 2:11).


Re-creation in Christ

makes us God's

adopted children

who are invited to cry

"Abba! Father!"


(Romans 8:15)


We struggle with our
sinful human nature because
we are the sons of Adam

and daughters of Eve,

but we are not bound to that human nature because

of the washing and

renewal of our Baptism.

(Titus 3:5-8) 


Linda Bartlett, Author 

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Please visit Titus 2 for Life, the publisher of The Failure of Sex Education in the Church: Mistaken Identity, Compromised Purity.

@2018 by L & J Bartlett Design

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